Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Defination and Example of Approaches to Social Responsibility Essay Example

The Defination and Example of Approaches to Social Responsibility Essay A company that takes an obstructive stance toward social responsibility attempts to defend its economic priorities by blocking any attempts to point out the companys lack of social responsibility. An obstructive company does not make social responsibility an effort, instead making profits the most important aspect of its business. Some people view obstructive businesses as immoral since they may exploit their employees, pollute natural lands or deceive customers. (Breann Kanobi, eHow Contributor) Example~ IBP, a leading meat-processing firm, has a long ( and undistinguished ) record of breaking environmental protection, labor, and food processing laws and then trying to cover up its offenses. Enron would fall into this category as well. (Portter,Michael E) Defensive Stance In most cases, companies that take a defensive stance towards social responsibility are not particularly responsible. These companies may consider themselves neutral, and they make profits a more important motive than performing actions in a socially responsible way. These companies make a point of following the law to ensure that others cannot take legal action against them. For example, a company may create more waste than necessary, but it will remove of the waste in a legal method rather than dumping it illegally. (Breann Kanobi, eHow Contributor) Example~ Tobacco companies generally take his position in their marketing efforts. In the United States, they are legally required to include warnings to smokers on their products and to limit advertising to prescribed media. We will write a custom essay sample on The Defination and Example of Approaches to Social Responsibility specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Defination and Example of Approaches to Social Responsibility specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Defination and Example of Approaches to Social Responsibility specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Domestically, they follow these rules to the letter of the law but use more aggresive marketing methods in countries that have no such rules. In many Asian and African countries, cigarettes are heavily promoted, contain higher levels of tar and nicotine than those sold in the Unites States, and carry few or no health warning labels. Firms that take this position are also unlikely to cover up wrongdoing, will generally admit yo mistakes, and will take appropriate corrective actions. (Portter,Michael E) Accommodative Stance An accommodating stance signifies that a company believes social responsibility is important and perhaps as important as making a profit. These companies satisfy all legal requirements and attempt to meet ethical standards. An accommodating company does not attempt to hide its actions and remains open about why it takes specific actions. For example, it may decrease its creation of waste, source products that are not tested on animals and pay its employees a fair wage. The company would keep its records open to the public. Though these companies are often socially responsible, they may change their policies in response to criticism. (Breann Kanobi, eHow Contributor) Example~ Both Shell and IBM, for example, will match contributions made by their employees to selected charitable causes. Many organizations respond to requests for donations to Little League, Girl Scouts, youth soccer programs, and so forth. The point is, however, do not necessarily or proactively seek avenues for contributing. (Portter,Michael E) Proactive Stance Like an accommodating company, a proactive company makes social responsibility a priority. Instead of reacting to criticism, a proactive company attempts to remain ahead of the curve when it comes to social responsibility. It may make ethics part of its mission statement and attempt to avoid any harm to the environment or its employees. A proactive company may go out of its way to institute new recycling programs, give all of its employees a living wage and benefits, and donate a portion of its profits to charity. (Breann Kanobi, eHow Contributor) Example~ The Toro Company, Exmark Manufacturing and Dixon Industries Inc. ollectively recalled 62,000 faulty commercial riding mowers. These companies worked directly with their dealers, distributors and customers during the recall campaign to proactively fix or replace the affected units already on the market. Nike is another example of a company that took a proactive stance, responding to criticisms about the labor conditions in the company? s supply chain. Kingfisher, a company that owns the British chain BQ, has successfully implemented a proactive stance on waste reduction, chemicals and green issues. (Brian Bass, Demand Media)

English Descriptive Essay Samples - How They Can Help Your Career

English Descriptive Essay Samples - How They Can Help Your CareerEnglish descriptive essay samples are a great way to show off your writing skills. There are hundreds of writers out there who want to help you improve and that's why they are happy to offer you their services. They understand that even if you don't have the best English writing skills, there are some easy ways to take your work to the next level.Many large companies use English descriptive essays as a proof reading tool. All you have to do is fill in the blanks with examples. It's the same with your CV, job application, or letter of intent.Of course you can also buy a book with all these and many more examples, but you can find them for free samples online. There are websites where you can get samples from an impressive number of writers. You can also find examples from companies such as Microsoft or Google, which provides sample resumes for many of their job applications.Your chances of landing the job depend largely on how good you are at writing in English. Many times it comes down to your own verbal skills and style, which you can improve with practice. English descriptive essay samples are an excellent way to improve on those skills.Sometimes, though, you just don't know what to write when describing things. And that's where these samples come in. If you know English, they can even be used in person to communicate with someone who speaks English, making your communication much easier.By working on these sections in your writing, you can eliminate some of the most difficult parts of writing. You will find that many of the samples are offered in both written and audio format, so you can listen to them and practice until you get it right. You can also view them at your own pace, so you don't have to worry about anyone catching you.As you start to develop your skills in English, you will find that there are many benefits. They will help you become a more polished writer, which will result in you landing a job much quicker. And the same is true for your CV, letter of intent, or other job application.With an abundance of English descriptive essay samples, you should find that they can't all be bad. You can find ones that are full of useful tips and ideas to help you out and improve your skills.